La série AccurioPress C14000 de Konica Minolta remporte le prix iF DESIGN AWARD 2021

| 3 mai 2021

Pour la troisième fois en sept mois, Konica Minolta a obtenu une récompense prestigieuse pour ses presses de production numériques AccurioPress C14000/C12000 : le prix iF DESIGN AWARD 2021, décerné par la société iF International Forum Design GmbH de Hanovre qui est le plus ancien forum de design indépendant du monde.

Pourtant, la concurrence était rude avec 9 509 participants venant de 52 pays, dans l'espoir de recevoir ce label de qualité très convoité.  Depuis 67 ans, le prix iF DESIGN AWARD est considéré comme le gage d'un design exceptionnel.
En mars, le leader technologique a été nommé lauréat du « Red Dot Award: Product Design 2021 », parmi un nombre record de participants. En octobre dernier, un jury international avait déjà relevé le design exceptionnel de la série AccurioPress C14000 en décernant à Konica Minolta le « Good Design Award 2020 » du Japan Institute of Design Promotion.
Olaf Lorenz, Head of International Marketing Division chez Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe, a déclaré : « Recevoir une récompense est toujours un moment unique, et le prestigieux prix iF DESIGN AWARD est l'un des plus importants dans le monde en matière de design. Cette reconnaissance reflète également les retours positifs de nos clients. Ils remarquent souvent le design élégant de nos presses de production AccurioPress C14000/C12000, qui transforment leur entreprise et les aident à repenser les possibilités d'impression. »
Les presses récompensées hautement automatisées, équipées d'un logiciel de pointe, démontrent l'engagement de Konica Minolta qui consiste à soutenir la transformation de ses clients par secteur et par industrie, en relevant les éventuels défis et en trouvant des solutions collectivement.
La série AccurioPress offre une efficacité inégalée en matière de grands volumes d'impression, imprimant jusqu'à 140 pages par minute (PPM) au format A4 à 2 400 dpi. Konica Minolta a été le premier à offrir des fonctions d'automatisation d'ajustement et d'inspection de la qualité des impressions, ainsi qu'un détecteur de support qui permet aux utilisateurs de connaître les paramètres d'impression optimaux. Ces innovations permettent non seulement aux sociétés d'impression de réduire les pertes de temps, mais aussi d'engager des opérateurs issus de milieux divers sans compétences particulières.



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About Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe

Konica Minolta’s journey started 150 years ago, with a vision to see and do things differently. We innovate for the good of society and the world. The same purpose that kept us moving then, keeps us moving now.

Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe GmbH, based in Langenhagen, Germany, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Konica Minolta Inc., Tokyo, Japan. With its unique expertise in imaging, data processing and data-based decision making, Konica Minolta creates relevant solutions for its customers - small and medium-sized businesses, large enterprises and public sector - and solves issues faced by society.

As a digital workplace solution provider, Konica Minolta helps its clients to identify and unlock the potential digitalisation holds and reach the next level in the digital maturity of their organisation by rethinking the workplace. In support of an ‘Intelligent connected workplace’, Konica Minolta offers cloud, IT, managed print and video solution services for remote working, collaboration, workflow management and automation and security. The company’s success in driving transformation is also confirmed by IDC, since the ‘IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Print Transformation 2020 Vendor Assessment’ stated that Konica Minolta is ‘recognised globally as a leader in print transformation’. Konica Minolta has been a Microsoft Global Managed Partner since 2021.

Konica Minolta's Igniting Print Possibilities offering helps printers, converters and brand owners maximise workflow automation to increase efficiency. The company delivers consultancy in all communication matters as well as top-of-the-line production, packaging as well as label printers. Its finishing devices create print products that stand out and create added value. Konica Minolta has established itself as the production printing market leader for more than a decade in Europe (InfoSource).

For an increasing number of organisations, success today is more than the narrow definition of financial prosperity – it also includes protecting the environment and having a positive impact on their workforce as well as the societies they are embedded in. With its commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Konica Minolta has pledged to consistently pursue its sustainability and social responsibility goals.

The company has been repeatedly recognised for its rich history of social contribution as well as for working towards achieving the SDGs throughout its business and supply chain. Konica Minolta is listed among “2022 Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations in the World” and received the highest level in EcoVadis Sustainability Ratings.

For its innovative service approach that complements their devices perfectly, Konica Minolta was awarded the prestigious ‘Buyers Lab PaceSetter Award for Serviceability and Support 2020/2021’ from Keypoint Intelligence.

Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe is represented by subsidiaries and distributors in more than 80 countries in Europe, Central Asia, the Middle East and Africa. With approximately 8,700 employees (as of April 2022), Konica Minolta Europe earned net sales of over EUR 1.9 billion in financial year 2021/2022.

Worldwide, the company has over 39,000 employees and is operating in over 150 countries.

For more information, please visit and follow Konica Minolta on Facebook and YouTube.

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Silke Ehmann-Cotichini

Team Manager Brand Positioning & Architecture

+49 (0) 151 622-06-281